
Located in redux-forms/actions, all action creators are exported for the brave. If you need a fine-grained control over your application, this is the section for you!

Note: Although all action names are exported too, my advice is to avoid relying on them as breaking changes could occur in the future. Stick to using the creators directly.

All actions that require a form/field/array name will not work if a one with the supplied name doesn't exist.


All fields have their unique string id depending on their position within the form. The id is compatible with the flat package - their path is separated with ..

Say we have the following form:

    name: 'Joe',
    hobbies: ['cheese', 'bench', 'food'],
    pets: [{
        type: 'dog',
        name: 'Reaper',
        nicknames: ['doggo'],
    }, {
        type: 'cat',
        name: 'Kit',
        nicknames: [],

Let's look at the ids of some of the fields:

  • name is simply name
  • Index 2 of hobbies is hobbies.2
  • Member type in index 1 of pets is pets.1.type
  • Index 0 of the member nicknames in index 0 of pets is pets.0.nicknames.0

Arrays are indexed the same way:

  • pets array is simply pets
  • nicknames array in index 1 of pets is pets.1.nicknames


addForm: (name: string) => Object

  • Adds a new form

removeForm: (name: string) => Object

  • Removes a form

addField: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Adds a new field to a form

removeField: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Removes a field from a form

touchAll: (form: string) => Object

  • Touches all fields of a form. Useful when submitting.

submitStart: (form: string) => Object

  • Marks a from as submitting

submitStop: (form: string) => Object

  • Marks a from as not submitting


fieldChange: (
    form: string,
    field: string,
    value: any,
    error: string,
    dirty: boolean,
) => Object
  • Useful for onChange events. Changes a field's value, error and dirty properties.

fieldFocus: (form: string, field: string) => Object

  • Useful for onFocus events. Marks a field as active and sets it as visited.
fieldBlur: (
    form: string,
    field: string,
    value: any,
    error: string,
    dirty: boolean,
) => Object
  • Useful for onBlur events. Changes a field's value, error and dirty properties, as well as unmarks it as active and sets it as touched.

fieldValue: (form: string, field: string, value: any) => Object

  • Changes the value of a field

fieldError: (form: string, field: string, error: string | null) => Object

  • Changes the error of a field

fieldDirty: (form: string, field: string, dirty: boolean) => Object

  • Marks the field as dirty or not


addArray: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Adds a new array to a form

removeArray: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Removes an array from a form

arrayPush: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Pushes a new field to the end of an array

arrayPop: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Removes the last field of an array

arrayUnshift: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Unshifts a new field to the beginning of an array

arrayShift: (form: string, id: string) => Object

  • Shifts the array, losing the first field

arrayInsert: (form: string, id: string, index: number) => Object

  • Inserts a field after the specified index

arrayRemove: (form: string, id: string, index: number) => Object

  • Removes a field at the specified index

arraySwap: (form: string, id: string, index1: number, index2: number) => Object

  • Swaps fields at the specified indexes

arrayMove: (form: string, id: string, from: number: to: number) => Object

  • Moves a field from one index to the other

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